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Take Your Cat to the Vet Day

August 15, 2019

August 22nd is a day that is near and dear to our hearts: it’s Take Your Cat To The Vet Day! We love cats, and are completely dedicated to keeping them happy and healthy. And, while most of our feline pals would probably rather nap than visit us, they all look and feel better with regular veterinary care. Read on as a local Covington, GA vet discusses taking Fluffy to the vet.

Fluffy’s Veterinary Care Needs

Fluffy’s veterinary care needs will change a bit as she ages. When your cute pet is a kitten, she’ll need to come in for her initial exams, vaccines, and microchipping. You’ll also want to get your furball started out on parasite control products. Spay/neuter surgery should also be on the agenda. Once your cat is fully grown, your vet will likely recommend that she come in once or perhaps twice a year, depending on her condition, age, and lifestyle. Senior cats will benefit from more frequent visits, so their health can be closely monitored. Follow your vet’s recommendations.

Emergency Visits

In the wild, showing signs of illness can attract the attention of dangerous predators. Fluffy learned long ago to hide any symptoms of sickness. Keep a close eye on your cat, and watch for warning signs. Some of the common ones are hiding, poor grooming, vomiting, diarrhea, litterbox issues, respiratory troubles, uncharacteristic behavior or vocalizations, reduced appetite, fever, and lethargy. Call your vet right away if you notice anything wrong.

Making The Trip

Car rides are definitely not on the list of Fluffy’s favorite things. Adding some bedding and toys to your kitty’s carrier will help keep her calm and comfortable on the trip. Music often has a very soothing effect on pets, so play the radio softly. We also recommend keeping a window cracked.

Home Again

Cats are quite territorial, and don’t really care for being taken away from their domains. This is one reason they get so nervous on car rides! However, Fluffy will probably settle down pretty quickly once she gets home again. Offer your kitty a new toy, and spend a few minutes playing with her. A special treat will also not go unappreciated.

Please contact us, your local Covington, GA vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We are here to keep your kitty in the best health possible.

5274 GA Hwy 20 S
Covington, GA 30016
t: 770-728-9976
f: 770-728-9974

Opening Hours:
Monday: 8am – 7pm
Tuesday: 8am – 5:30pm
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 8am – 7pm
Friday: 8am – 5:30pm
Saturday: CLOSED

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