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Keeping Your Cat Indoors

March 01, 2023

Do you keep your feline friend inside? If so, that’s wonderful. Fluffy may enjoy outdoor kitty sports, such as chasing butterflies, making paw art on freshly-washed cars, and bringing her humans dead mice. However, she’s much better off staying indoors. A local Covington, GA vet discusses grounding Fluffy in this article.


There’s almost no end to the potential risks your pet could face in the Great Outdoors. Cars, weather, chemicals, wild animals, parasites, are all serious threats to a curious little furball. Fluffy could also get lost, injured, or even stolen. At the end of the day, it’s just better not to take those chances. 


Fluffy will be more determined to go out if she’s bored. Make sure that your feline pal always has lots of safe, fun ways to entertain herself. Offer lots of toys, and take time to play with your cat regularly. Your kitty will also appreciate a comfy window seat with a good view … preferably one that includes birds and squirrels. 

Grounding Fluffy

Some cats are determined to get out: Fluffy may try to slip out when you go in or out. Don’t punish your adventurous pet for this: that will just make her even more determined to escape. Instead, you want to make your furry buddy somewhat wary of the door. When she approaches, squirt her with water, or perhaps clap your hands. You can also make a loud noise: sound a bike horn, or bang two pots together. These types of things will startle your kitty, and will probably be enough to make her run off to a safe, quiet spot to ponder things.


There are some ways that you can give your furball the best of both worlds. If you really want to pamper your little buddy, make her a catio or even a cat enclosure. This is a wonderful way to provide the stimulation and entertainment that going outside would offer … while keeping Fluffy safe and sound. Of course, if your feline overlord is extremely adventurous, you may want to consider walking her on a leash. While not all kitties enjoy this, some really do seem to like it. Ask your vet for tips.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns about your pet’s health or care. As your local Covington, GA animal clinic, we’re always here to help!  


Posted in Cat Care

5274 GA Hwy 20 S
Covington, GA 30016
t: 770-728-9976
f: 770-728-9974

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